Between October 28th – 30th, the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology within “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati will organize a series of events to mark 30 years since the fall of communism. Thus, on October 28th, at 10.00, room AS 004 (Str. Domneasca no. 111), historian Florian Banu, from Consiliul pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securității (National Council for Studying the Department of State Security Archives) will hold a lecture about Mihai Caraman, the most famous spy of Communist Romania, the one who managed to obtain well-kept secrets of NATO.
For those who do not know, Mihai Caraman is born in Oancea, Galați County. On this occasion, the monograph written by Florian Banu - Mihai Caraman, un spion român în Războiul Rece (Mihai Caraman, a Romanian spy in the Cold War) will be launched. The work is based on rich archival documentation, but also on interviews of the author with the famous spy.
On October 29th, with the support of Institutului de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului și Memoria Exilului Românesc (The Institute for the Investigation of the Communism Crimes and he Memory of the Romanian Exile), in room AS 004 (Str. Domneasca no. 111), starting at 10.00, the conference Revoltele țărănești împotriva colectivizării. Regiunea Galați. Vadu Roșca, Suraia, Răstoaca, Cudalbi (1957-1958) (The peasant revolts against collectivization. Galați region. Vadu Roșca, Suraia, Răstoaca, Cudalbi (1957-1958).
• Octavian Bjoza, president - Asociația Foștilor Deținuți Politici din România (Association of Former Political Prisoners in Romania);
• Octavian Roske - Institutul Național pentru Studierea Totalitarismului (National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism);
• Marius Oprea and Nicoleta Șerban - Institutului de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului și Memoria Exilului Românesc (The Institute for the Investigation of the Communism Crimes and he Memory of the Romanian Exile);
• Dorin Dobrincu and Alexandru Aioanei - Institutul „A. D. Xenopol” din Iași (“A. D. Xenopol” Institute of Iași);
• Dan Salaga - Consiliul pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securității (National Council for Studying the Department of State Security Archives);
• Camelia Sandu - history professor;
• Aurel Crăciun and Marin Apostu, witnesses of the riots and repression
On October 30th, at 17.00, at the Senate Hall at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (Str. Domneasca no. 47), book launch: Liliana Corobca - Panorama comunismului în Moldova Sovietică (Panorama of communism in Soviet Moldova). Historians from Republic of Moldova: Svetlana Cebotari, Mariana Taranu, Sergiu Musteață, Ion Valer Xenofontov and volume editor Liliana Corobca.
Activities coordinator: George Enache