“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati is on the 7th place in the ranking of Romanian universities included in the Round University Ranking (RUR). The institution from Galaţi was selected by the platform’s organizers to participate in this ranking, in December 2020.
Within this ranking, in the category Rankings by Indicators, the institution is in the first part of the ranking of Romanian universities. The best rankings are in the category International Diversity Ranking - Share of international academic staff (position 1 in Romania) and Share of international students (position 2 in Romania).
Round University Ranking (RUR) is an international ranking of prestigious universities, which includes 1,100 renowned academic institutions from 85 countries around the world. A set of 20 indicators is used for ranking, grouped into four areas: Education, Research, International Diversity and Financial Sustainability.
RUR uses both the data requested from the institutions and the Clarivate Analytics scientific basis.
The Round University Ranking is taken into account when compiling the annual Metaranking of Romanian universities, made by the AdAstra Association.